Mikumi National park

Mikumi National Park offers visitors an unforgettable safari experience in a stunning natural setting. With its diverse wildlife, rich birdlife, and convenient location, it is an ideal destination for both local and international travelers.

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Discover the Majestic Beauty of Mikumi National Park

Mikumi National Park is a hidden gem nestled in southern Tanzania, just 283 kilometers west of Dar es Salaam. Covering an area of 3,230 square kilometers, it is the fourth largest national park in the country and offers visitors a unique safari experience. Established in 1964, the park is a hotspot for tourists and nature enthusiasts, attracting a large number of visitors each year.

Wildlife & Animals

Mikumi National Park is renowned for its abundant wildlife, which includes a wide range of animals such as elephants, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, hippos, zebras, wildebeests, and more. The park’s proximity to the Selous Game Reserve allows for the migration of animals, creating a diverse ecosystem that supports a healthy population of predators and prey.

Mikumi National park


For bird lovers, Mikumi National Park is a paradise. With over 400 bird species recorded, including a variety of eagles, vultures, and hornbills, it is a bird-watcher’s dream come true. The National Park’s diverse habitats, which include open grasslands, acacia woodlands, and dense riverine forests, provide a haven for birds and other wildlife. See birding safari

Best Time To Visit – Mikumi National Park

The best time to visit Mikumi NP is during the dry season, which runs from June to October. During this time, the vegetation is less dense, making it easier to spot wildlife. The park’s waterholes attract a variety of animals, providing excellent opportunities for game viewing. However, it is important to note that the park can get quite crowded during this period, so it is advisable to book accommodations and game drives in advance.

Weather & Climate

Mikumi National Park experiences a tropical savanna climate, with hot and humid weather throughout the year. The rainy season occurs from November to May, with the heaviest rainfall typically in April and May. During this time, the park becomes lush and green, but game viewing may be more challenging due to the thick vegetation. The dry season, on the other hand, offers cooler temperatures and clearer skies, making it an ideal time for both wildlife enthusiasts and photographers. Read Tanzania packing list

Getting There

There are several options for reaching Mikumi Np. The most convenient way is to fly into Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam and then take a domestic flight to Mikumi airstrip, which is located near the park. Alternatively, you can take a long-distance bus from Dar es Salaam to Mikumi town and then arrange for a transfer to the park. Another option is to hire a private car and drive from Dar es Salaam to the park, which takes approximately 4-5 hours. You can combine Mikumi National Park Safaris to Zanzibar, Ruaha, Udzungwa, Nyerere, and Saadani

Malaria & Safety

As with any safari destination in Africa, it is important to take precautions against malaria when visiting Mikumi National Park. It is recommended to take antimalarial medication, use insect repellent, and sleep under a mosquito net. Additionally, when exploring the park, it is crucial to follow the advice and instructions of experienced guides to ensure your safety. Mikumi Np is is generally considered safe, but it is always wise to exercise caution and be aware of wild animals and their behavior. Read our TripAdvisor reviews here

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